- Match shoe size to hoof. See here.
- Place shoe in container on shoe support.
- Add Imprint Hoof Repair material if required.
- Add boiling water… 100°C to cover rim only.
- Heat until malleable – approx 2 minutes.
- Whilst shoe is heating, bevel edge of hoof wall.
- Create 6-8 crisp keying points around the lower edge of hoof wall.
- 8 or 10mm diameter and 2/3 depth of hoof wall.
- Apply Imprint Adhesive to hoof wall to height of shoe rim.
- Remove shoe from container wearing wet latex gloves.
- Shake off excess water.
- If required, add extra Imprint Hoof Repair to frog plate to ensure ample contact with frog.
- Run a wet finger around rim to open out a little.
- Position and mould shoe centrally on foot.
- Quickly blend rim to hoof wall.
- Maintain original rim height.
- Press plastic into indentations.
- Ensure good frog contact.
- Blend heels of shoe to hoof.
- Harden with Imprint Freezer.
- The shoe should be hard before weight-bearing.
- Run a bead of Adhesive around rim.
- Fitting is complete.
- Let horse stand until adhesive is hard.
- Minor finishing can be done with a rasp to smooth edges.
- Any area needing remodelling can be reheated using a small flame torch.
Shoe Removal
- Rasp away rim down to horn and peel away from heels using hoof nippers.
- Alternatively hoof nippers can be used carefully to cut rim away more quickly. Make sure shoe is completely detached before attempting to peel it off.
CAUTION – Do not attempt to tear shoe from hoof as it is liable to cause damage.