
  • The windswept foal

    By Andrew Poynton FWCF An angular Limb deformity (ALD) is usually only found in hind limbs where the foal has been in a less than ideal position for a prolonged period in the womb. So, say the left hind has a varal deviation making the......

  • From lameness to winning performance

    CASE STUDY: by Andrew Poynton FWCF This case involves an 18-year-old, 17hh skewbald dressage horse. Condition poor foot balance, intermittent lameness Symptoms This case, like many others, did not initially have a clear diagnosis at the time of lamen...

  • Acute laminitic onset to athletic recovery in a 12-year-old Arab mare

    CASE STUDY By Andrew Poynton, FWCF PFC, This case is typical of many laminitic equines that suffer from laminitis. Whilst this study concentrates solely on the farriery treatment the mare was diagnosed with equine meta...

  • Unstable hooves, dysfunctional feet

    An ex-racehorse was in need of some serious farriery attention when presented to Andrew Poynton with cracked, overgrown, unstable hooves. Here, he explains how synthetic materials, adhesives and plastics can be a real game changer in the treatment of...

  • Dissimilar feet: associated lameness and remedial solutions

    Nine years after he first treated a lame Appaloosa mare with mismatched feet, Andrew Poynton was called in again to repeat the remedial farriery that had previously restored her to soundness. In this case report, he describes the approach he used, wh...

  • Win win opportunity of referral

    Laminitis referral case study of a 10-year-old 15.3hh hunter cob (now aged 14). Background This horse first suffered an acute laminitic attack in June 2015. Being a hunter he had been on ‘holiday’ and had not seen the farrier for some time and wa...

  • Imprint First Horseshoe Improves Gait and Comfort

    An independent study has shown that Imprint First can significantly improve the gait, and perceived comfort, in obese ponies. The in vivo trial carried out by a team led by Janneke Sleutjens at Utrecht University Department of Equine Sciences studied...

  • Imprint Emergency Frog Cast for the Laminitic Equine

    Veterinary surgeon Charlie Tomlinson from The Hale Vets in Chippenham Wiltshire was called to an immobile event horse over the bank holiday weekend which she quickly diagnosed as suffering from acute laminitis. He was unwilling to hold a foot up for ...

  • Recognising typical crisis points during laminitic treatment

    By Andrew Poynton FWCF Poynton Farriery Clinic, Malmesbury, Wiltshire, England. Farriery is an essential part of recovery of the laminitic along with veterinary care and day to day management of the patient. To qualify the area of discussion a large ...

  • Treatment of Laminitis

    Objectives and observations of what may improve the patient’s recovery By Andrew Poynton FWCF The severity of a laminitic attack can vary so dramatically that horse owners respond in very different ways; some are quite unconcerned and assume it wil...

  • Dealing with Laminitis

    Why is it important to act immediately when a horse suffers from an acute attack of laminitis? ANDREW POYNTON, of the Poynton Farriery Clinic has studied the problem in depth. MANY cases referred to Andrew are frequently in a far advanced state of de...

  • Why were Imprint shoes developed?

    Imprint First – Oval The key features of the Imprint First support shoe are: the ability to gently mould without trauma, the shoe to the hoof. It provides early essential support to the bone column without constricting circulation via its unique fr...

  • What happens in the equine foot during a laminitic attack?

    Laminitic attacks are usually sudden and, unfortunately, often severe. Initially the hoof itself can form an effective visual barrier, which belies the drastic changes that take place within the foot. The pedal bone (known as P3) sits inside the hoof...

  • Hot flash: LAMINITIS by Dawn Jenkins

    Dr. Jan Young DVM CF is a leading veterinarian, referral farrier and educator from Arizona USA. This is an extract from an article in which she discusses possible causative factors leading to founder/ laminitis and subsequent treatments. Treatment Pr...

  • Equine High Impact Injury

    Introduction High impact injuries to equine feet and limbs are an all too common problem blighting many athletes’ career prospects or prematurely curtailing them. There are many and varied contributing factors leading to a long list of injuries, fr...