Imprint Clinic
Friday 19th January 2024

Andrew Poynton FWCF one of the speakers.
Theory and Hands-on Practical Course.
Venue: Utrecht University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Time: 9am – 4pm approximately
Details and Registration here (English & Dutch)
Prof. Dr. H. (Harold) Brommer
Andrew Poynton FWCF
Dr. Janneke Sleutjens
In some cases, nailing hoof shoes on horses is undesirable and a fit is of utmost importance. Gluing a shoe can provide a solution in those cases. With knowledge about adhesive shoes and craftsmanship, you contribute to the health and well-being of horses. That is why the farrier of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is organizing the Imprint Clinic in collaboration with Mustad and Imprint on Friday, January 19, 2024: about the functionality and applicability of revolutionary Imprint adhesive shoes for horses.
Morning – Theory (free)
Lunch – (for participants of the afternoon program)
Afternoon – Practical (€ 125 per participant)
See above link for detailed schedule.