Hoof Defects

Advancing farriery techniques are developing in response to the need.  Many of today’s horse-owners wish to ride and keep in work all year round with little or no holiday, such as the hunter or polo ponies had to rest and recoup for a few months.  The desire to do it ‘naturally’, i.e. live out, does not always help, particularly if the horse is a light thoroughbred living out in wet conditions!  So the farrier can either give up or devise new ways of meeting this incredibly demanding task of keeping the horse sound and on the road.

Equine toe crack
Toe crack.

All is not lost.  As well as practising farriery to a high standard along with good stable management, we have new materials and techniques being introduced into the industry and making it possible to offer more for the horse and rider.  This is a rapidly growing area thanks to a progressive attitude amongst farriers.

Along with these new materials and training in applied hoof repair techniques it is possible to restore the hoof capsule integrity to enable regained comfort and soundness for the equine.

Equine toe crack repair
Toe crack repair after 5 months.
Example of poor-quality hoof wall
Poor hoof wall.
Repair of poor quality hoof wall
Repair of poor quality hoof wall.

Imprint Equine Foot Care has the ideal repair and rebuild option for hoof defect conditions. Our Imprint Hoof Repair material is a highly versatile, fully mouldable solution providing the strength and flexibility of natural hoof. It is used to create prosthetic hoof extensions and additions that restore the foot integrity.

Hoof defect conditions and treatments include…

Hoof cracks

Hoof reconstruction

Hoof casts